Youtube Real Estate Lead Generation

Now YouTube I mean you let you love YouTube you know you have some great ideas on how to do it right we see it done wrong we see it on right most people don’t realize it’s the second largest search engine and it’s underutilized by real estate agents yeah so the real key with YouTube is you need to decide your keywords before you arrive on site to make a video because the biggest key to YouTube is YouTube is transcribing your videos automatically for the purpose of indexing you so when you get to do your video first of all remember have you ever holding your camera like this you are definitely doing it wrong so if you’re doing a video yes you may be at eye level but you still won’t be like this so taking a picture like this at eye level is never correct and taking a video with your phone and this orientation is never cracked this is the correct orientation for taking videos on your phone if you would like to get maximum YouTube engagement otherwise they look something like you are watching my video right and hang on boom that’s what they see they see random stuff on the left and right of your video and that’s just not any fun so when you do it this way they see like this boy that’s hard to do okay I give up you get a point so make sure you do videos with the right orientation so you’re ready a good headline in description because it’s automatically creating a transcription which won’t be necessarily correct but you want to make sure you say your name at least three times during the course of your walkthrough video you want to make sure that you say the address of the property at least three times and remember when you rock up to my address to take a video you don’t start we’re gonna look at 2003 lose my street in know y’all gonna be Cooper no you go hi my name is Dennis Wilson and we’re just walking up to this most beautiful property at 33 Smythe Street in Yaletown Vancouver and you’re gonna love what you see and the reason for that is when you go too fast and get too excited Google doesn’t understand you we can say you to but it’s Google they don’t understand you so they transcribe you wrong so now you’re not going to show up for 33 spy Street because you mispronounced it so you take it easy and that’ll create that file and you’re gonna say that three times throughout the course of it you start and again this isn’t this isn’t rocket science start at the car hey my name is Dennis Wilson I’m coming up you know it’s in selfie mode and then you go oh look at that great big yoga ball sitting on the chair actually know who’d be more exciting if you actually were in front of a property but in my house I’m looking at a great big yoga ball sitting on the chair alright so now you’re looking at that with your camera this way and then you’re back to your back to on camera yeah that way looking at and then you flip the camera around you’re back to you so it’s back and forth back and forth so it stays engaging so yes you need to be on camera and it’s okay if it’s a little bit like this because you’re walking because this is kind of normal if you don’t want it to be like this there’s little things you can buy for about 300 bucks a little gimbal that’ll hold your camera or hold your phone and it’ll take a bunch of that shake out but it’s not necessary so you got to make sure that you say that address and everything clearly the neighborhood the address so that the transcriptions pick you up and you need to have the title and all of this stuff ready within 48 hours of posting your video so it’s best not to post your video until you have your title and description ready and of course knowing that you did your words right the transcription then very quickly after you see the transcription with YouTube you want to go in and edit it to make sure it’s correct right so it’s really that simple and you just you walk through the house hey check out this feature check out that feature you make a five or ten minute video right from the curb side up through some yard features some in the house features right and that’s it people are engaged to this sort of friendly you’re approachable and you’re just taking it on a tour and you’re pointing the things out in real language you don’t need a drone fly-in showing showing science world in the background over False Creek and then zooms around and comes careening back to look in my living room window nobody cares nobody cares who are you do I trust you remember it’s 90 percent about trusting you yes the home has to be the right home but if they don’t trust you they’re just gonna go find the home through another realtor so this is the key to it the neat part is you end up with this library of videos when you sell one now you put sold now when they look for you man now you’ve got your name and all kinds of addresses proving that you’re the expert in that area so over time your YouTube walkthrough videos just oh my god it’s man there I go again gonna run way over time with this value and now YouTube advertising paid advertising on YouTube dentists absolutely amazing and again it’s all done through Google but YouTube advertising is some of the lowest cost advertising with little teaser videos so you could pull out a little piece of your video to make a 15-second teaser and boom right it could literally just you be saying hey my name is Dennis Wilson I’m rocking up to 33 Smythe Street boom that’s it wait a second I want to see that I like that area alright I’m a real estate professional rocking up to 33 spy Street where I have a listing boom all done in 15 seconds it’s you it’s live it’s interesting and it gets shown to like a whole bunch of people for real cheap I generated like 1 cent traffic on YouTube so super cool you did love it higher we could do an entire train just on YouTube creating YouTube videos yes we could we’re not today because we’re running out of time.