The Power of Power Pose and Head Shots for Real Estate Agents

We include creating all your required digital assets so the minute you turn on with us within 30 days you can be running all your Facebook ads and doing all of your advertising experiments and your walk and talk and your brochures in the mail and all the stuff you normally doing all directing to proper assets right so power pose and headshots this is really what we talked about this at the beginning you need to have the proper poses to put on to your lead magnets on your guides on your Facebook your LinkedIn these are things you have to do and there are specific poses that convert in digital marketing correctly learn your photographer is going to argue with ya yeah your photographer is gonna want to do headshots and stuff the way they know but digital marketing poses are not the same as headshots in fact headshots have been proven online to not work period so the more professional of a photographer you use for the more professional a headshot the less likely you’ll create engagement online right a photo that is 10 years ago or 40 pounds ago real estate agents I see them in 20 years ago 30 years ago come on update your photos people yeah we get it that’s when you were looking good and you’re worried that you don’t look good but I hate to break it to you the way you look is the way you look so when you use that photo from 20 years ago and then you set up a meeting and they can’t find you because you don’t look like that anymore you haven’t done a lot of trust building know when you’ve got you know a little bit yeah use a little Photoshop you know you still gotta look like you you’re a lady and you had long hair and now you have short hair I recommend redoing your photos guys aren’t that smart my wife tells me every time she says hey that’s that actress from such-and-such and I’m like no no no don’t see the resemblance you got short hair we’re in the same kind of clothes that’s not her right men are the worst most of the time so if you cut your hair redo your photo if you change the color of your hair redo your photo otherwise you become non congruent and that’s an instant loss of trust and engagement that you have to overcome in that meeting that what you want to hear well it’s kind of like you know online dating you know you put a dating profile up there I mean this is always you know laughter and it’s kind of a joke right yo yeah you’re never gonna see you know the person the photo that they that they upload is never the person that you meet you don’t want that to be the first lie that you share with your potential real-estate clients may seem fun to you but it’s not fun for them so just be careful with that so number one power pose it’s actually the number three power pose in the group number one power poses but you can see this is this and and this is a more of a casual pose for us that we did at a networking event but it was just it was a magic pose for us it just happened to work we use this in a lot of our ceramic our websites will be used it just kind of came out so again it’s one of the power poses so the key here is a woman and a man is the top converting pose if you’re a husband-wife team or you’re a man and woman team in real estate get this pose done the two of you back-to-back it’s the highest highest highest highest converting of all of them then you go to women and women convert next best and then men and men convert the next best after that oh yeah and you want to do it both both sides so you want to you want to turn one way in the other way depending on your social media notice your hands are above they’re not tucked in yeah never undo it I’m gonna so fingers are close enough splayed ours are a little bit wider than they probably should be on this photo but it just worked out but they’re more together like you can see on the side with Sarah casual nice high converting and works perfectly well and a complete suit and tie as well so it’s a super powerful pose yeah now this one we call the giver so pretend you have that that the big blue medicine ball that is sitting in your corners and you’re handing it to somebody so you’re giving it your hands are are turned sideways is not that big thing they’re not they’re not this way this is the bigger bigger the giver and then you have the thinker the great thing was a thinker as you could pull you can pull that extra cupola Chin’s a little bit of a facelift you can fix you can fix certain flaws you’re not covering your face okay you know you’re not smothering yourself it’s underneath your ear your hand is cupping your elbow yeah right if you have a watch on it’s a good time to show again it’s no watch fingers aren’t all splayed like that everything’s nicely compact and put together yeah this is very casual and then there’s the one that takes a little bit of guts it doesn’t work for everybody but it certainly is engaging it gets a lot of comments I use this more for Facebook than I would ever use for LinkedIn I actually have very similar one as my facebook background shot yeah and it works well with a lead magnet so it’s a good way of introducing your lead magnet a little bit more casual lead magnet so you could print out one of your covers and hold it like a book or stick it to the front of a book so it really feels like a book but this this works really well with lead magnet there you go and this is what you’re gonna then end up using these photos to then build your LinkedIn profile we do that for you we design your LinkedIn background we we guide you in creating your photo so you don’t need a professional photographer to do your photos nope your your cell phone’s gonna work just fine so easy enough get yet get somebody in your Kovan circle yeah that is able to go and take some pictures and we’ll be on zoom’ with you to help guide you through the photos and you know we’re old enough to say you know you’re not gonna waste any film that’s right and at the same time we’re gonna update your facebook as well we’re gonna use the same look but Facebook and LinkedIn business and personal are all different sized images and our guys know the sizes so they create them to work yeah and they’re different layouts so you need to be cognizant of all the different layouts so you’re not putting text where a bubble with your face where your headshots going so it’s about getting all four images done so they’re all congruent but they are all specific to the platform you’re putting them onto they we’re also gonna create over eight lead generators are already done we’re gonna put your name on it we give you the rights to the copy to be able to go and use it we put your face on it and then we change the colors we don’t just drop you on top of a book the colors are then changed to match what you’re wearing your logos so it’s customized to look like it was created specifically for you gotta be professional we also have a really cool open house module which is great for a virtual open house right now or one-on-one so somebody can register you know they’re there they can come in and they can book themselves in at certain times so that you’ve got we’re following all the the rules for open houses three gets to get a little survey in to kept some more information about where they’re at in the process what they’re in need of and you can also of course put them on your forever follow up exactly home aides reminders you don’t have to go find them and build them yourselves they’re already done yeah we’ve already created them 30 or 40 emails in there Merry Christmas Happy New Year Happy Easter you know all of that kind of stuff all put together for you no thinking just start putting people into it.