Real Estate Referrals: Power of Joint Venturing

Referrals this is where you get the power I mean referrals they’re free but they’re not free if you treat referrals as a paid referral and say look the power of a joint venture with your family and friends and connections meaning you offer them something for a referral if that referral buys or sells a home with you absolutely right and having the swipe copy is the key to referrals so if you’re gonna ask your friend for help give them the email to send to their friends right because otherwise the conversation goes they’re not create a real estate real estate awesome can you introduce them to me yeah yeah well never have introduced him to you properly right hey hey tell you what I’m gonna send you an email that you can send them excellent because now when you send the email he’s like damn on pot committed I said I would do this and more importantly it’s easy he just has to forward or cut and paste the email so swipe copy is super super critical for referrals if you’re gonna ask people further help give them the tools to help you don’t expect that they’re gonna just go write a magical email about how awesome you are you need to write the magical email about how awesome you are because they don’t know how awesome you are especially if they’re your friend my god they’re the worst judge of your awesomeness right and then once you’ve written that swipe copy it’s white copies it really means the actual copy that they’re gonna swipe from you like copy from you and send out to their friends when they call swipe copy and of course you need to have all your happy landing pages all your landing pages and all your things that you’ve created at the beginning that we talked about and your lead magnets and all those wonderful you know books and guides and things that you’ve created all part of making this work now folks there’s a reason why we don’t run the paid webinar that often because people get frustrated that hang on a second I thought I was just learning how to spend a hundred dollars a month and get rich I didn’t realize I had to spend five thousand dollars building stuff before I can start spending $100 a month advertising but that’s just the reality of it if you’re gonna get into paid advertising if you’re not gonna do your assets mark my words don’t advertise forget your assets in order make sure they’re professional or you will just spend a lot of money more and more unhappy it’s just an awful awful feedback loop of negativity to.