Real Estate Marketing the Active Rain Study about Real Estate CRM

You found this study and activerain study Dennis and if your watch if you’re watching this right now take a screencap of this get that URL it’s a it’s a great study real estate agents earning over a hundred thousand dollars a year invested six times as much in technology twice as many used to CRM and they were aggressive in using social media when compared to agents earning less than 35,000 a year.

Yeah this is uh this is a really really cool infographic probably one of the coolest I’ve seen in relation to real estate it gives I mean it almost gets down to the point of what how many houses does a man with blond hair sell compared to a man with with dark hair like it’s it’s quite insane it’s really really fascinating a definite a definite worthwhile thing to take this URL and go take a look.

There you go now to maximize your efforts with free real estate lead generation or any real estate lead generation fade we are gonna assume you use a real estate CRM.

Yeah basically if you’re not using the CRM don’t advertise because you’re not gonna be able to follow up properly you’re gonna dump money down a great big hole thinking it’s gonna just make the phone ring and that’s not really how it works anymore so you need a CRM if you’re gonna do paid advertising you’re gonna be spending five hundred or a thousand dollars a month on advertising you better have a way to get every possible bit of value out of that ad spent.