Real Estate Lead Magnet Featuring Home Maintenance Reminders is a Must!

And another great way that you can create and this one you can do yourself or you can outsource it is a home maintenance reminders series of males let me make it look like a book the homemakers reminders you put a cover on it get a little bit of a graphic done put your photo on it put your name on it and this is a great way to be able to follow up and give good value as a lead magnet that you can do for free or paid leads to go to get your home a nice reminders yeah so basically you do an ad campaign – hey homeowners are you want to keep your house in the top resellable shape get on my home maintenance reminders and I’ll make sure that happens for you and they give up their name and email and phone number and boom they’re in a forever follow up series it’s all about home maintenance reminders now my favorite one my favorite one Craig is in our home maintenance reminders I found I was looking for stuff that we’re home maintenance reminders so I searchedGoogle and I found a bunch of lists and I found a ton of YouTube videos and there was this one where the guy tests if your garage door will automatically reverse if your poor little baby somehow gets left in the bassinet under the garage door actually no he didn’t use the lock but what he did was he took a log and he stuck it under his garage door and he lived it doesn’t say a word doesn’t say a word the video comes on and there’s a log in the middle of his driveway underneath his garage door and all the sudden the video starts and he stands up and he push this remote control and the door comes down Craig the door comes down this is a grads door coming down and this is the log okay so here’s a lot ready ready and it touches on the log and it’s it’s going back up and that’s it that’s your video and the video is over so I’m thinking this is the corniest cheesiest little video but it’s something well man I got to tell you the comments I get I didn’t know my granddaughter did it’s just amazing people went out and tried it with their foot they tried it with something hard first and it’s like hey man I put my arm under there you know what it stopped when I stood under at my shoulder it’s incredible so some little throwaway became something that created a whole bunch of engagement so keep in mind that if you’re gonna do paid advertising you gotta not worry so much about being professional you don’t know what the public is gonna respond to let’s face it in the old days not even 10 years ago the idea of making a video was a $10,000 affair and it had to be professional and you needed all the cameras and the lighting and the people that knew what to do and now I can promise you that some random video cat done incomplete poor quality stuck up on YouTube can get a million views and that super professional video that you paid twenty thousand dollars to do will get none and this is very evidenced by actually real estate videos Craig you see the super professional drone flying’s whatever you look at them on YouTube they have four views you see the guy that just walked around with their phone talking about something cool and it’s got six hundred years people like authenticity now they don’t like overly polished professionalism still have to be a professional look professional but the idea that you have to have drone fly ins and completely you know zoom out panoramas perfection in your video it’s actually not true they’re buying you and trusting in you as much as they are in the home right if the home looks pretty good on a video and they’re trusting you they’re gonna come see that home if the home looks amazing on the video and they’re not seeing you or trusting you less less less certain that they’re gonna come they might go search for another realtor because they want to see that home so just be careful with with the idea of professionalism things are easy today yeah and there’s lots of different lead magnets that you can create to add value when you’re doing both free and paid lead generation you know these these are something we created you know you know the ultimate guide to finding the right home seven common home selling mistakes you know nine questions to ask what hiring a real estate agent live hard truths about renovation returns when selling almost anybody that’s thinking of redoing their kitchen before they sell is gonna want to have that piece of information so it’s a perfect thing hey looking to renovate before selling gee that sounds like an advertisement Kraig that might just work on Facebook that might just work with a little video hmm I can see possibilities absolutely so creating these yourself once again you want to do them for free you can create them go into canva a little bit a little bit of help on there you can go and create the pictures get a good head shot of yourself with a power post we’re gonna go into power poses later on as to the right poses and you know get the colors a little bit right come up you can go and research this on online you know and find you know some books out there and then make it your own change the content enough so you’re not plagiarizing that’s right yeah and you’ll find that a lot of the stuff what we found is we wrote all of our guides was you know we went we looked at 10 guides and we quite frankly didn’t agree with three or four points and every guide we read but we agreed with five or six points in every guide we read so we just amalgamated all the points that we agreed on added in the stuff that came to our mind that was missing and bada-bing bada-boom we had a guide so you don’t need to sort of overthink it but you do need to make it your own because if you give out just a random guide that you haven’t actually taken the time to read and somebody actually downloads it and starts asking you a question you’re gonna look pretty funny when you’re not at all understanding of what the content is you gave out so it’s another key to pay to advertising is it’s not as friendly as your friend when your friend comes and looks at your guide and asks you’re crushing or I don’t know it’s just some system I bought that works in a paid situation when they come and ask you about that guide you better have read it you better have understood it before you’re out there promoting against it because the the paid advertising audience is not friendly like the friendly audience or even the cold contact that you met on the street so make sure you get familiar with the content if you didn’t write it yourself if yet it ghostwritten if you bought it if you acquired it make sure you at least know it before you spent advertising dollars on it because it will absolutely waste your money if you don’t have the ability to answer questions easily and quickly without having to go read it to find out how to answer the question.