Real Estate CRM: What’s Included in RealtyBizConnect?

So what’s included in Realty bizconnect everything we just talked about is the value of you if you went to outsource this yourself in a in like the Philippines you’re spending over ten thousand dollars just to go and create all this up yourself and if you did it in North America you’re probably closer to twenty to thirty thousand dollars right you can do it all yourself if you got the time you can do it for free so you could why don’t we one a month and in a year you have everything you need so it’s not it’s not a matter of you have to pay for it it just depends on will you spend the time to go and build it step by step because it only takes one at a time yeah and another monthly cost if you were to go an outsource and get all the things that you needed to get done monthly you’d be spending over $1,200 outsource it once again to could be over 3,000 but today if you’re interested in you want to get started the regular price is $14.99 for us to set you up in $8.99 a month but our special webinar pricing today for you is and 998 dollar setup and only 499 dollars a month for the first year but we got some cool extra awesome bonuses yea orsa bonuses so scam credit so if you got that shoebox full of scraps of paper normally our scans only worked for business cards but we will open up a hundred scan credits for you that can even be the little scraps of napkins but the caveat here is if they’re poorly written they will be poorly transcribed so but we’ll certainly give you a head start and getting control of your data to start making you more sales right and in bonus number two we’ll take your existing data and import it into our crm from your existing CRM if you have one or another digital source yeah or if you have a spreadsheet or whatever it will help you work that data into the system to get maximum value out of it and LinkedIn credits this is 500 LinkedIn cross-bedding credits so we’ll go in your LinkedIn account and reach out to 500 people for you that’s a value of a hundred and twenty-five dollars and it’s a good way to really kickstart your LinkedIn prospect instant credibility and we’ll actually do a review of your existing drip campaigns up to 25 emails a $250 value 90% of the time we tell you to get rid of 11 of them because they’re hurting you instead of helping you but it’s a bit of a process and I won’t say it’s fun but it’s definitely educational there you go now if you buy today we understand you know money’s tight we’re all on a budget so we will split up the 998 dollar setup fee $4.99 now and $4.99 when all your digital assets are completed which takes about 30 days yeah the faster you’re on top of getting a session with us for your images the faster you can have things in your hands right then we’re also gonna waive the monthly fee until 30 days after the lockdown and sort of the restrictions are over so we don’t consider this to be over until things get a little bit more normal you’re not gonna be paying the monthly fee because it’s still a bit of a mess and we just know that until you have the ability to you know properly sell stuff again you won’t be being charged the monthly fee there you go but you still get the seven hundred twenty-five dollars where the bonuses and the full system now if you’re just looking for the basics and you want to just have a place to start putting in your leads you’re willing to do a bunch of stuff yourself you want to have the CRM contents and the complete prospecting system normally we charge a thousand dollars a year now we’ll give it to you for just $49 a month so it doesn’t come with any of the contents but it comes with the full system and the ability for you to do the things 100% yourself there you go so you want to go get it you can go to realty biz connect comm slash buy and purchase either the the full system or just the basics you got questions send us an email contact at realty business connect comm or call or text 604 nine hundred two three eight four ok I gotta go do some Facebook Ads well Dennis thanks for your time always great thank you all for joining us and everybody on here it’s great to have you thanks for taking your Tuesday morning with us my name is Craig Peloquin and I’m Dennis Wilson we are a real team is connect every sale is a very productive week bye for now for now.