Real Estate CRM What is it and Who IS RealtyBizConnect?

So Dennis what do you tell everybody before we get started who are we? so is the only “One Touch and Done” lead generation, forever follow up and convert to a client, Real Estate CRM. We do things a little bit differently than most in that it comes complete with all of the contents and lead magnets and funnels and things that you need for, holy smokes, paid advertising or even unpaid advertising. Over a hundred pre-written emails, SMS’s, push notifications, social media follow-ups, 10 pre-written landing pages and sales funnels, over 15 book covers, landing page headers, all kinds of things customized specifically with your graphics.

There you go that’s what it’s all about, so, we know that you know how badly Covid has been impacting the real estate agents and business owners alike. It’s nice to see us we’re starting to come back to a a new normal, wait not going to be ever normal again, the old normal is gone, so we have some very specific Covid-19 combatting offers at the end of this training to help you through it. Normally we charge $27 for our online courses, but we are waiving the fee during this time, to help real estate professionals.

Yes, it’s definitely a confused time, there’s a social separation not happening because it it used to happen and now we’re not sure if it’s supposed to happen and… but I really wanted to go to the beach and there’s lots of other people there so maybe 4 feet is enough… oh hang on a second I really wanted to go to the shopping mall so maybe two feet is enough… hey I’m standing in line for something I really really want so maybe you know maybe it’s okay… I mean I’m sure the guy behind me and in front of me don’t have Covid, so you know we’re not doing a very good job since the government lifted some of the restrictions. It just trying to pay attention to part of the reason it hasn’t spread and it hasn’t gone crazy is that people were sort of sequestered so anyways I guess all we can do is wait and see what happens. This was pre-Covid yeah yeah this was pre-covid, when you’re allowed to have group events so this is me in Barcelona helping a bunch of business owners and real estate agents with some sales automation techniques, and how to sell more.