Real Estate Agents Maximize “Walk and Talk” Real Estate Lead engagement by automatically following up with a Real Estate CRM

So let’s start off with one that actually doesn’t cost you any money but you know right now it’s walk-and-talk. Okay so we’re getting more closer and closer to being able to do this again and a little bit more easily you know it’s our walk-and-talk when you’re wearing there we can’t we can’t say that you can bump into people like we used to you know we just go around you talk to whoever you bump into so now you sort of yell at him from the other side of the sidewalk hey looking to buy a house you know maybe not but you get the point you can’t bump into them but you can certainly still see them in a properly socially separated line in fact I would hesitate no I wouldn’t hesitate I would I would say I would just purely say that there is more chance now because it used to be the lineup moved pretty quickly because it moved as fast as the people could serve you now the lineup moves as quickly as Alaska leaves the store as a result in that socially separated line you’ve got a person on that side and a person on that side and you are probably gonna be with them for a while yeah so I think walking talk probably is easier to do now because you’re standing there bored anyways so anyways yes exactly and people do want to talk the the social separation that we have is getting people outside and in lines and engaging a lot better so you do need to know what to say without looking like you’re standing in line trying to sell somebody so that’s really really important and the real key is you do need a data collection directly into your CRM so as you talk to somebody and you spice up a bit of a conversation and there’s even if there’s not interest you want to meet immediately working on collecting their contact details to get them into a forever follow-up situation so simple data collection multi-channel pre-written mixture of automated touch points you need this to effectively do walk and talk because you’re gold you’re golden walk and talk is what currently real estate agents mostly just sort of sweep under the rug your gold is all the people who are not looking to buy or sell a house today your gold is keeping those people on the line until they are ready making them understand that you are the ultimate professional so they bring you all their friends who are ready but yeah the the fact that most people it’s like as soon as you don’t know as soon as the person you’re talking to isn’t looking to buy or sell their home today it’s like your ghost them it’s the wrong way with the proper CRM and a simple system to onboard people you don’t need to do that you can let the system do all the work without any more effort then it takes you to ghost them actually and so I mean and you can you can create all this for free you’ve got a time you can do that or you can go and outsource it and so you walk and talk it can be a free lead generation because it’s your type or outsource and build it all and we’ve looked at it you need at least thirty six touch points to go and outsource the copy to go and create all that spending around twenty seven hundred dollars if you outsource it in say the Philippines America North America you’re looking at probably close to three times that you’re looking at somewhere around three hundred dollars per email or touch point in North America unless they’re long copy then they get as much as fifteen hundred so all of this is stuff that you’re often better off to try to do yourself a little bit of time and we’ll get into a bit of that but outsourcing it is definitely an option doing it yourself is definitely an option it all just comes down to time versus money the equation in your head the point is having this stuff even though we’re saying walk and talk is critical to success in paid advertising because really paid advertising is just like a really really cold walk and talk you’re gonna get a cold lead buying or not buying we don’t know but if we’re not giving that person value they’re not going to stick with us so we need to have that follow-up that engages them and keeps them on board until such a time as they trust us enough to engage or they actually do just straight-out engage and say I’m ready to buy yourself .