How to Generate Real Estate Leads using Email Marketing

And email marketing it’s works great when you got a big list now email is not dead it is not it’s kind of dead on its own because it does not work well in isolation like it once did correct it’s much more of your support staff so if you think about it all your linked all of your emails that go out you know announcing listings are announcing a lead magnet or here’s a priest value or here’s some great stuff or Merry Christmas or all that kind of stuff most likely to someone who’s not ready to buy or sell right now they’re gonna create a nice little folder that says Dennis Wilson right and they’re they’re gonna put all of my nice emails into that nice folder automatically for Dennis Wilson which means they’re not seeing any of my emails but when somebody asks them about real estate agents they’re gonna remember that they have this folder Dennis Wilson and they’re gonna see that there’s 293 items in it they’re gonna go look at it ago wow this guy’s really switched on so your email your email marketing actually becomes the support to prove that you’re real and you’ve been around for a long time and it’s really a weird thing about humans the longer we know someone or the longer we know of someone the more we trust them even if we don’t talk to them so your emails are the thing that actually generate that long-term trust so having a constant stream of emails going whether they look at it or not the first 10 or 15 they’re gonna see so it’s gonna register in their mind and then they’re gonna stop seeing that they’re gonna put them in a folder so they can get tricky every now and then you send it from a different email address just because you want to stay top of mind so there are some tricks but the key is when they finally find something to decide they’re ready doing with you they’re gonna now go study all of that stuff in the folder and nobody else is gonna have a folder full of helpful tips and advice because no one else is doing what you’re doing as a result you shoot to the top of the list and the phone starts to ring so remember email marketing it’s your support tool it’s super critical to have a CRM that’s in a forever follow-up for all of the people who aren’t ready to buy or sell the day you meet them or even within the next year from when you meet them stop throwing them away they’re your gold your platinum your rhodium their diamonds yeah we did we do a whole thing on copywriting one of one of the things that had a right proper copyright so you know join us if you haven’t seen that one yet cuz you don’t need to professional in your copy you know once again speaking human you know made a fully formatted HTML email with pictures that people don’t aren’t gonna see cuz they don’t download photos because they don’t want to take up their data on the data plan you know and as Dennis said the 8020 rule applies here as well don’t be too self-serve a good value ever be self-serving right the fact is I’m a real estate professional signed off your real estate professional Dennis Wilson got it right you know all your accolades and all your whatever don’t matter to your customer they matter that you’re still there and they matter can you sell my home quickly for the best price reducing my stress and keeping it legal and making my wife happy and this was gonna ultimately make your phone ring if you have all your points of contact should be ultimately leading to build your email list correct so Dennis we talked about all of that.