How to Generate FREE Real Estate Leads using LinkedIn: The Most underutilized Tool for Real Estate agents

Looks like what lead lead generation on LinkedIn yeah it is the most underutilized free or paid when you’re using premium because there is a reason to upgrade to premium lead generation tool for real estate agents biggest reason dentists is it helps you gain Google ranking for your name correct yeah the more you’re following and the more active your LinkedIn profile is the more likely you will show up with your LinkedIn profile at the top and typically if you have an active Facebook profile and a not as active LinkedIn profile the LinkedIn profile will get there faster than your Facebook profile just because the general premise of Google is Google is about giving you good information and professional information Google tends to far like LinkedIn more because it is a it is a place of professionals versus Facebook where often it is personal so even with pages and stuff they still tend to rank the LinkedIn stuff higher so you definitely want to have a good a good presence on LinkedIn as a real estate agent yeah and the great thing about LinkedIn is that you can target high net-worth individuals as future prospects because would you rather target somebody that is making a mid to high six-figure income or somebody that’s making thirty five to forty thousand dollars a year yeah and LinkedIn prospecting tends to keep you motivated so the free length in prospecting that we teach you can literally go and get ten connection ask for 10 connections a day in about two minutes and 36 seconds I think the last time we timed it so it’s very very efficient but every time someone does connect back you feel that little dopamine hit oh wow somebody likes me so it’s it’s not it’s not a fast process necessarily but the LinkedIn lead generation that you do for free it is motivational it makes you feel everyday over your cup of coffee you’ve started working on your business instead of doing something that has no value like organizing your filing cabinet again so for maximum benefits though with LinkedIn and with everything else if you’re gonna get into paid you need to have an all-star profile you need to have the assets and you’re gonna need to have a tool or system to try now LinkedIn also does paid ads LinkedIn paid ads can be very very high quality but they can also be very very costly if you’re looking at doing a LinkedIn paid lead generation campaign I would expect that you want to budget five hundred to a thousand a month or you probably won’t get very far so it can be pretty pricey and it’s not as easy to find little accidental winners in the LinkedIn advertising system right and you got to have a CRM you need to track it you need a tool because LinkedIn does not make it very easy to track somebody had a conversation with yesterday especially when you got a lot of people yeah if you have a thousand people that you’ve been connecting to and you’re trying to keep track of what to say to them next without some kind of an overlay tool it’s basically impossible on LinkedIn yeah absolutely so number one thing you need to have an all-star profile it doesn’t take a lot to get you there but you really got to have a professional background image and the real keys are the components of it so first of all the houses and the imagery that you have on it better be housing an imagery that is found in your local area otherwise you become non congruent so if someone looking to move to Burnaby would see these images and when they come to Burnaby they would see places that looked like this and this would all be pretty good or if they looked online on houses they’d see stuff similar to your profile if you’ve got you know Malibu mansions and you’re saying you’re Burnaby specialist instantly as people start to research you they’re gonna be like but why is he got California images I mean I don’t get it so you’re gonna instantly put a block up in their mind yeah you need to have your logo you need to have your phone number you need to have your contact details right in your image I get it you can find them on LinkedIn somewhere else tell me where yeah see that’s why you don’t do that you put them in the image so no one has to go find them hey mister customer I love you so much and I thank you for taking the time to look at my profile and if you’d like to contact me go figure it out no not not usually the best way to create engagement Craig right exactly so you can see there’s his phone number there’s his email there’s his website there’s this logo everything is there all professional absolutely so you get this done if you would outsource this you could probably get that done for around three hundred dollars you can usually do it yourself as well with things like canva but you do need to make sure that this is professional so if you do it yourself and you’re thinking ah it’s good enough it’s not if you’re doing it yourself and and and people you don’t know are saying it’s awesome then it’s awesome if it’s people you know saying it’s awesome they’re lying so be really really careful when you say hey man I just made my facebook header what do you think they’re all gonna say it’s great if you took that same header and said hey I just paid someone to do this Facebook header for me what do you think you will find out the truth of your friends comfortable kind lies.