How Community Postings help Real Estate Agents

Community postings now we’re getting more and more popular Dennis as we start coming out of out of lockdown and getting out there people are wanting to get out talking community centers public places with bulletin boards yep what not to do don’t post your business card unless the back of your business card is a link to a non self-serving lead magnet of something but posting your century 21 business card or your Remax business card I get it that’s awesome you’re they’re grand pooh-bah marshmallow chocolate dipped here Oh nobody cares especially at a community posting they’re just gonna up another real estate agent putting their card on our board put that in the garbage so give something of value and your stuff will stay on the board because you’re just giving value instead of trying to sell sell sell sell sell well this was a shortened URL to go to it or a QR code to a landing page to get one of your lead magnets one of your guides you know how to get your home ready to sell during kovat oh wow I would want to see what that’s all about how to make sure your realtor is not lying to you.