Free Real Estate Lead Generation vs. Paid for Social Media

Now let’s get into social media Dennis I mean we got two main ones LinkedIn that’s my favorite look you spent a lot of time in Facebook and Facebook on Instagram I don’t spend a lot of time on Instagram myself from an advertising point of view Instagram is is Facebook so you reach Instagram users by posting ads on Facebook from an Instagram point of view on the aside yes the real difference for me between Facebook and Instagram is if you’re gonna be on Instagram you better be more careful about your images so you want to go and take a couple of the free courses online that teach you how to take good pictures with your iPhone and the number one rule of thumb hang on let me grab my phone with good pictures whether you’re gonna use them for Facebook or Instagram if you are standing up looking at something and holding your phone like this and about to take a picture you definitely are taking a crappy picture so just know that every time you think I’ll just get a quick picture you are making a picture that is uninspiring and will have close to zero engagement know how no matter how beautiful the thing you’re taking a picture of so when you go and you take some of these courses they’re gonna teach you how light for a house picture your best thing is to literally be on the sidewalk literally down on your hands and knees with your phone on the ground point it up with a little bit of an angle you take that picture and all of a sudden that house looks like it’s just popping out at them right proper lighting right oh it’s a little bit dark but I’m here I’ll take it no no no no come back tomorrow and it’s not dark right or take the dark one to get started and come back and replace it as soon as possible so there’s so many tips and tricks this is probably better than almost every camera that’s existed for the last ten years right so now this has grown to be better than the really expensive cameras of ten years ago so you just need to learn how to use it and it’s it’s quite crazy when you just do some of the simplest techniques that you can learn online it’s amazing how many more comments you get on your photos so Instagram you need to be much more cognizant of your photo quality then Facebook right um and of course YouTube videos you know some of the most watched videos are fuzzy scratchy no sound videos of cats doing crazy thing so don’t overthink your YouTube presence be professional yourself but you don’t need you know full lighting and six camera angles and miked up and this you just need your phone and some selfie stuff and some forwards we’ll go into more details on that second on some of your techniques on YouTube.