Free Real Estate Lead Generation vs. Paid for Family and Friends

So now let’s let’s talk about the places where you got free and paid and you’re gonna see some are completely free some are paid and some will cross over and you’ll be able to do both so whether you’re talking with friends and family the walk-and-talk networking functions social media and I know you’re gonna go into Facebook a little bit there Dennis referrals community postings and email marketing there’s there’s a mixture of free and paid and sometimes you know the free version isn’t gonna give you as good a results as paid will and contrary to popular belief family and friends is not free you pay oh how you pay yes yeah there’s a there sometimes it’s you can survive your family and friends you will be a successful real estate profession exactly customer today yeah ask for help after referrals you know people are gonna know you’re a real estate professional but you know you don’t want to be showing up to every family event and talking about real estate yeah and and it’s it’s really key that you are sort of looking for the fact that well I guess there’s two stages right if you’re a brand new real estate agent then you need to go out and tell everyone your real estate agent but don’t say hey do you want to be my customer immediate and say do you know anyone that I could help like I’m just starting out come on throw me a bone you can use that approach once you’re an established real estate agent you’ll have more recognition as that’s what you do so you just want to always be playing the referral game when you talk to people if they’re ready themselves they’re gonna be instantly talking to you because they’re ready themselves because you said hey do you know anybody you know what my husband and I we’ve been just starting to think about you know maybe it’s time so you’re just always going after the help and referrals obviously having your lead magnet so that you know my gosh we’re thinking of doing renovations really I’ve got this really cool guy you know pop over here to my website here’s a URL grab my guide it’ll help you with the process the more guides you have the more tools you have to give away in conversation where people are at that point where they need that particular thing maybe it’s something like you know how to find the next best rental property you just want to be the person who can help with everything to do with real estate because remember your average public doesn’t realize the difference between buying and selling and renting as far as they’re concerned a real estate agent does all of it until they get more familiar and they buy and sell a house to realize that a real estate agent doesn’t care about renting at all so you got to be sort of cognizant of that and if you can help a person who’s still renting and they become attached to you you just set yourself up for that customer in seven years when they are ready to buy yourself so you really got to be having the tools in your toolkit to be able to generate that database that turns into your long term fortunes yeah absolutely and resident family it’s free to talk to but if you add a referral and maybe a little bit of a you know a finder’s fee eight you said anybody to me the buyers I got a $500 Amazon gift card for you you know so that you know so a free referral if you add a little bit of an incentive for a referral you’ll find you’ll get more serious people I decided to quit Amazon Craig I’m out yeah now I used to get stuff for hours later now they come sometimes tell me it’s gonna take three days it’s just it’s just ridiculous i order studio equipment and they’re like hey that’s not important in the covert world so you’re gonna get that in two weeks I’m like wow and that’s it I’m oh wait it could come by Canada Post in a month good okay not so bad I’m back in.