Facebook Real Estate Lead Generation: How to get FREE and Paid Real Estate Leads

Now let’s talk about Facebook this is this can be a deep dark hole oh yes if you would like to learn how to go broke quickly just go jump into facebook advertising just try it out right say your campaign up at a thousand bucks cuz that’s your monthly budget and let her rip no don’t do that because that thousand bucks will disappear and a day if you set it wrong a couple of hours if you didn’t it’ll generate nothing because when you get into Facebook hey you need a facebook business page that tells your story and has some assets and has some freebies and has some stuff to capture their attention because by doing a Facebook ad campaign even if you’re pushing them off to a funnel or something they’re also seeing who did the sponsored ads so they’re gonna jump on to your page as well so having your page up with a proper header graph and everything it’s super super super super super critical on that page the 8020 rule is that fair anymore Craig 80/20 I know you you can’t load this full of self-serving stuff nobody cares that you’re a realtor I’m sorry I know you probably pay 92 cents a month through your fees somehow to be a realtor but or maybe it’s 50 dollars a month I don’t know but nobody cares so get over it nobody cares about comparables nobody cares about all that until they’ve engaged you so make sure that they’re helpful in relevant posts and don’t put stuff like on by the way make sure you don’t try to sell it yourself because it’s dangerous and it’s this cuz all you did there was you made me go really I didn’t solve myself well I better look into that before I call this guy by the way he’s not very smart if he’s telling me I can sell myself huh so you probably you’re doing yourself no good at all by bringing it up um just go there and show them how you can make it happen with less stress and less time for more money for them right just just make it all about that make it all about them yeah and this is where your your lead magnets come into play your different guides good information that can help somebody that they would want to share that’s right yeah if you’re if it’s just a place where everybody comes and they learn cool stuff and they get free stuff then they don’t need to remember your lead magnet funnel address because they can just say hey go get on this guy’s page and take a look I mean I’ve seen him do you know free giveaway for like renters and for this and for that you just got to get on this guy’s page right it’ll get out there it can go viral if you have your page with enough information on it but it has to be non self-serving it can’t be all about the sales pitch about why you’re one you having all this free stuff and all this content and all this wild stuff and this sort of constant flow of neat stuff is what makes you wonderful and then it gets easier than that Craig once you have your Facebook page up all you do is from your personal profile if you’re in all the investor groups and then whatever in there whatever every time you see something interesting you consider that your Facebook page is a place where people come to get the best most current information about real estate so as you’re looking on your right you know you see some article that’s interesting not to a real estate agent but interesting to somebody who might be in the market to buy or sell a house in your area so if you see an interesting article about Toronto and you’re in Vancouver don’t repost that article but that’s where you share to a page from your personal to your page and you just start sharing stuff and you can easily get two or three posts in the course of your normal Facebook time that can create some engagement to your page so yeah it’s it’s really not that hard to get your page to appear to be constantly updated it doesn’t take like a bunch of extra for work effort it just takes a little bit of a different way of thinking yeah and adding videos on to you on your Facebook generates four hundred percent more interest in images yeah so videos are really cool and we can we’re actually going to share a little bit about how you can do a cool video tour of your of one of your listings and and how that adds to a bunch of stuff it turns out to Craig that one two three p.m. on Thursday and Fridays are the highest engagement times for posts go figure who knew there you go but Craig I’m not I’m not available 1 2 3 p.m. I I wouldn’t be able to do that I mean I’m gonna do it Monday morning because that’s when I have time yeah you’ve been told but here’s a neat part HootSuite or a million other tools even Facebook itself allows you to schedule your posts so Monday morning you can set it all up and push the button to make it go out at 103 on Thursday so pay attention to these rules guys I mean a lot of people don’t pay attention to the rules right the rules are there because the research has been done there not a rule because someone decided that there were a rule because you can get metrics that’ll show you that this is the case so figure out how to use it if we talk a bit more about the advertising side of Facebook never boost a post I know it’s easy it’s also the biggest way to sewer your money so boosting a Facebook post is a no-no forever unless you do it right so here’s the key Facebook is all about audiences Facebook has one of the most interesting and finite s way of creating an audience you can say I just want doctors I want people in med school I want so so we’re gonna I think I’m gonna try to actually do a little bit of a live thing with the share screen here to just sort of show you how cool it is my biggest things to do and it wasn’t coming up earlier so let me just double check evil to share those pedals oh yeah I do but I am finding that for whatever reason the audience as I was gonna share don’t want to come up so give me a second while I try to start this out you go ahead and talk about other things Craig so well you know what and Facebook you know we’ve we’ve been doing Facebook now and we took a course on it what last year yeah it sounds easy and it’s really cool all the metrics but Dennis I mean the number of hours I should say face actually buddy weeks you have invested in them you’re doing Facebook advertising not to minions it is super simple but it ain’t easy not even simple so what I’m gonna do right now is I’m actually gonna go into an audience okay I’m not gonna spend the time to teach you how to get to the audience’s you can do a bit of google research to see how to get to where your audiences are set up but I’m gonna actually share my screen right now Oh No you’ve disabled screen sharing for me that’s what I figured I thought it might be disabled for you saying oh panelists I I’m also gonna show you other other couple of tools that that are pretty interesting you try nowadays alright so I had you locked it that’s all right I’m used to being locked out usually because I said something wrong to my wife but okay so here’s an here’s a here was an audience that I created to find real estate agents in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia so one of the first things you can do with an audience is you can go into the locations people living in or recently in this location or I can even just say no no I don’t want them recently and I just want that they’re living in this location or I only want that they’re recently in this or that they’re traveling to this so you’ve got all these options as a real estate looking for real estate agents I like the Adele or even if I was a real estate agent looking for clients I would go definitely living in or recently in because of course somebody looking to move there was probably recently in the area so definitely living in or recently in the location a great way to start and then from here you can just start including so I think I want to include Sweden and it’ll instantly tell me that I can add Sweden and if I add Sweden my potential audience jumps by almost half a million people okay so if I get rid of Sweden so you’ll see my potential audience reach here five hundred ten thousand people with Chilliwack Nanaimo Vancouver and Sweden if however I realized that that was an error cos I don’t sell homes in Sweden I take it out we’ll see that my audience goes back down to three hundred and ten thousand people so I’ve started with Chilliwack Nanaimo Vancouver all of the places close and I’ve set a radius of 50 miles so you can set your radius anywhere from ten to fifty so you’ll see if I look at the map I’m covering this whole area through I think if i zoom out a bit you can still see it so you can see I’m carrying Vancouver I’m actually even getting into Seattle and Washington so it’s not ideal with radius you don’t have to use the radius but I found its easiest way to sort of blanket an area if you get a little bit of wrong traffic it’s not the end of the world my potential reach with this setting is actually not 310 thousand people with just this settings it would be millions of people however we can go deeper so once we’ve taken the well if we just look here we can see I said location Canada Chilliwack Victoria British Columbia age I’ve picked people between 29 and 55 okay so you can get it by age language I can say I only want people that use UK English or US English and then I exclude interests okay so I can say the things that if they if they likethese things I don’t want them so if somebody’s interest is high school I don’t want them because chances are they’re a high school student they’re not my buyer so I need to get them out of the pool so I’m not paying money to advertise to someone who isn’t interested education in high school incollege or in grad school not likely homebuyers so let’s exclude them from the numbers okay and then people who match so now I’m adding the things that that I like interest in this case I was looking for real estate agents like all of you hmm I wonder how many of you got here because of a Facebook see it works anyhow so we said real estate broker agent National Association of real estate brokers licensed real estate agent every real estate company that there is on the in the Lower Mainland that I could find and all the way down to everything that I could find job titles employers everything that makes sense I also have the ability to say I only want man or I only want women in the case of real estate agents interestingly enough when I split test this with women only I got better results I got less results with men only but when we work in the in the restaurant industry I lock it down to men only because women don’t buy so all of this stuff is stuff that you will test with your campaigns and I know at this point everyone already has a splitting headache and we’re only just beginning see this stuff gets me super excited a lot of other people I mean if we could see their faces right now great I think a bunch of them would look like this so we carry on down so here’s where the detailed targeting starts to happen so it’s detailed targeting include people who match and I’ve said in demographics people whose employers are century 21 do you think a couple of real estate agents might work at century 21 Craig I think I think a couple might yeah they’re right with you I thought so too um and so those are the easy ones to think about but then you sort of get crazier like if you’re looking in the world of a real estate agent looking for people looking for potential sellers or buyers you’d want to go more to the demographics of high net worth individuals so you could say hang on let’s try dock tour look at that there’s all kinds of doctors here and it’s giving me a bunch of suggestions and I can see that there’s five point five million people who’s additional interest is Doctor Who so Chris that’s not really a document anyways this is how it works so you can go Oh Doctor Strange online doctor doctor visit doctor stranger so this is all in
interests but then eventually I’ll get doctorate degree I can actually go and
browse for demographics work job titles didn’t come out welcome to Facebook advertising it’s not always logical job titles saying on so little be
professions so industries maybe so industries could be health care medical
services right so I’ve instantly said I just want to hurt I just want to go and
look for people in the health care medical services industry there is a way
to drill down I’m not gonna get into it all I mean literally welcome to Facebook ads worth yeah yeah like you literally is that it is that it and then you’ll just about have it all done and you’ll do something wrong and you’ll wipe some of it out and you’ll start over so understand this is a bit of a rabbit hole so if it’s 20 minutes before dinner and your wife or husband will be really upset if you miss dinner do not open audiences stay away stay away boost a post take the hit on the 20 bucks that’s gonna do nothing for you and show up for dinner cuz if you start this process a half hour before dinner you know somewhere around 3:00 in the morning you’re gonna roll into bed thinking you have the greatest campaign going and you’ll have forgot to turn it on or something but the cool part is you can just go deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper you can even search only within your friends Network people who like your page friends of people who like your page so interesting this is people who like your page this isn’t your personal profile so the bigger your audience gets the more you can reach out because if you’ve got a bunch of people that have been attracted to your audience on your Facebook page and now you can advertise to the people on your page and the people who are friends of the people who like your page imagine you’ve already got an audience of people that are interested in what you’re doing you can go reach out to their friends too so it is super crazy detail and then hears the excluding so everything that
you can include for you can exclude for you can even narrow the audience so you can narrow the audience by saying they need to be a property manager realtor and hold a doctorate degree so you can do that they need to be all of these things and this you know to qualify or you can say they need to be all of things but not this or you can say all of these things and this but not this why is not why why is everybody not excited like me this is just the coolest stuff ever and now why there are professionals whose full time to do your Facebook campaigns yeah a lot of money and Dennis is it worth it yeah yeah pay for even we pay for it I know how to do it I know how to teach it but even we pay for it it is fairly thankless work but you know if you were gonna say I’m gonna just go blow away you know I don’t know 20 bucks a week and I’m just gonna put something out there the the weirdest thing about Facebook is every now and then you could accidentally trip across a unicorn and you could have a dad that pulls really well so is it worth to put an hour a week into probably is it worth to throw 20 bucks or 50 bucks a week at probably is it going to make you cry repeatedly yes because everything you think’s gonna work isn’t gonna work you’re gonna get such an understanding of how messed up the internet is and how little you know about the world because no matter how much you know about the world that isn’t on the internet the world on the internet it’s not the same animal and this is really the key to advertising you can’t so if you had an hour to spend to write ads the old way of thinking would be to spend that hour to come up well come up with really one really good ad in facebook advertising you spend that hour to come up with 15 ads that are completely random and stupid one of my top performing ads Craig for just sales and marketing automation was a picture of me down in San Francisco at LucasArts standing beside r2d2 and the picture was turned sideways and it had a pink border around it and my ad was have your sales gone sideways all the cool stuff I did drew very very poorly cost me a fortune that ad went out there at 30 cents picking me up all kinds of traffic because the ad was shocking the ad didn’t fit into a Facebook feed right so on top of defining your audience with Facebook advertising comes down to your image needs to be something that interrupts the thought pattern so staying away from blue is really important because Facebook is blue so you need jarring stuff you need a border around your image so that it makes me look at it it breaks up the scroll and it just turned out that a sideways image of me wearing a hoodie in front of standing there with r2d2 on its side for whatever reason made us money so you can’t overthink it you need to do do do-do-do and be really fast to turn off ads you’ll start to get a flow because you’ll see that you know it’s been served up a hundred times and nobody’s clicked on it if that’s happened you know that one’s about to cost you two bucks when someone finally clicks on it so turn it off before that happens so managing it and learning a bit of a strategy is critical we’re not here to teach a whole course on it that would take a weekend but I just wanted you to see that it is possible there’s tons of free stuff that’ll get you close enough the reality is when it comes to Facebook advertising paying to have it done is usually better and more importantly is even if you are doing it yourself really really limit your time because it’s a rabbit hole you can literally spend all week getting excited by it like I do and have zero benefit to you something there you go Facebook advertising in a nutshell yeah and a lot more in this courses you can take something that we want to teach specifically but definitely we played with it and it can work or you can watch it too you know Dennis you just said you were doing some this the other day and you were watching your leads you were getting 30 cent traffic and then you turned on the next day and it’s a dollar 20 you just you cannot like with with with Google AdWords you can set it and forget it with Facebook Ads you need to be on top of it because that ad that was coming in at 30 cents can turn into two dollars and fifty cents tomorrow so you need to be there you need to keep budget controls on it so if that happens it runs your budget out and you don’t waste 300 bucks so that’s why it with Facebook it’s all about micro budgets times 100 campaigns so it is a lot of work hiring a professional is definitely gonna be more effective but understand did you remember did you see how much work it was so don’t expect a professional to do it for five bucks a professional is gonna cost you in there worth every penny because a professional that you pay $500 to that gets you 15 cent traffic versus you paying a poor professional that gets you dollar traffic and tries to get you excited about it just imagine how much more money you make by paying a guy 500 bucks to get you 15 cent traffic than paying a guy $50 to get your dollar traffic yeah it’s just the math there it is and you’re gonna need to have that all-star profile you already built one for your LinkedIn have them create one for your both your personal page and your business page for Facebook you’ve got to look good.