RealtyBizConnect’s current mission is to help Real Estate Agents stay productive during the Covid-19 pandemic. We believe rather than take a break or stay stuck in freak-out mode, Real Estate Agents can be doing things daily, FROM HOME, to prepare to take advantage of the recovery that will follow as Covid-19 Restrictions end

We have tweaked our PDP qualifying Courses** delivered by Webinar to be 60 to 90 minutes long, and geared towards things to do NOW to generate NEW leads, properly warm up leads you have let go cold, re-connect with existing contacts (not yet leads), and stay in touch with ALL of them so when covid-19 restrictions end, the only Real Estate Professional they remember to think about or refer their friends in need to is YOU!

** (for Agents in British Columbia Canada, if your province or state supports self directed personal development or continuing education credits towards your license, reach out, we would be happy to work with you to get our courses to qualify for your Board)

The courses we currently offer are:

  1. How to Generate FREE Quality Real Estate Leads
  2. How to Generate FREE Real Estate Leads and Build your Reputation with LinkedIn
  3. Learn to Write Engaging Copy Real Estate Leads Want to Read
  4. 5 Secrets Why Most Real Estate Agents STRUGGLE with CRM
  5. How to Generate PAID Quality Real Estate Leads
  6. 5 Secrets to Find and Work with Real Estate Investors to 10x Your Sales

We are always adding new courses and updating courses. If you have suggestions of things you would like to learn, and you don’t see them in this list, please email us at: or call us at: +1-604-900-2384